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The goal of this contract is to allow players peace of mind when it comes to the expectation of them and their opponents behaviour at the tabletop. It is  a free tool allowing event organisers and judges to set the expectation of their players and empower them to make rulings accordingly. Events have permission to link or copy this contract into their event packs.

By purchasing a ticket for an event that utilises this contract, the attendee accepts that they will abide by the conditions below in order to promote a fair and clean game with each of their opponents.

Failure to abide by these conditions could result in a judge or tournament organiser enforcing any combination of the actions detailed after the conditions section of this document.

This contract is in addition to any codes of conduct used by your event organiser.


  • That the players will treat each other respectfully and refrain from any abusive behaviour towards their opponent. This could be either verbal or physical in nature. 

  • That the players know the rules for their faction, and have all the appropriate rules to hand. At the time of writing, some official apps are known to not be completely up to date/correct and therefore must be backed up with physical rule books.

  • That the players make sure all measurements are made clearly in front of each other and if at any point a player finds issue with their opponents measuring, they will demonstrate their expectation so that both players can continue without confusion.

  • That the players make dice roles in front of each other, and give an appropriate amount of time before picking up any of the dice after rolling. 

  • It is imperative that players finish their games in time. If you struggle to finish a game on time then you owe it to your opponents to use a clock in all subsequent games. 


​The judge may decide to enforce one or multiple actions from the below list, as is their right if any of the conditions of this contract have been broken. It is the judges discretion as to which action is to be enforced as to achieve the best possible outcome for their event and its players.


  • Warning / Yellow Card*

  • Points deduction for that game

  • Auto loss for that game

  • Disqualification from the event

  • Ban from future events / Red Card*

*Some areas and organisations have a card system in place which means enforcements may carry over to events run by others. That group will often have guidelines on how they want these to be enforced.


  • Abusive behaviour - Can include but is not restricted too

    • Foul language, either in general or directed at another player or person

    • Any physical contact that was not given with consent

    • Any verbal or physical action that could be considered threatening

  • Measuring Distances Fairly- Moving models

    • Make sure it is obvious to your opponent that your tape measure is being measured from the correct part of the model 

    • Then make sure that the point you want to measure too is obvious to your opponent and then move your model.

  • Measuring Distances Fairly- Checking ranges

    • Measure out the range on your tape measure and then lay it out clearly from your model towards the target of your choice. 

    • Then ask your opponent if they agree the range.

  • Dice rolling

    • After rolling your dice and removing any failures, check with your opponent in case they have spotted any dice you have missed. 

    • It may be more time efficient to pick up successes if there are obviously more failures present. In this case make sure your opponent can see the dice as you remove them.

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