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Old World Universal Event Pack

Last Updated: 14th June 2024

Welcome to the Karma Tabletop universal event pack for Warhammer: The Old World

This pack is dynamic and will updated whenever it is deemed relevant to do so. By constantly reviewing event packs in use across at both major and smaller events alongside our own tweaks and feedback we hope to create a pack that any new or experience TO would be happy to use in their events, thus saving them time and energy that can be used to enhance their events.


Feel free to use this pack as a template for your own events, or direct link to it.


Event specific information such as the event schedule and army size, these will be found wherever the Tournament Organiser (TO) has advertised their event, be it on the ticket page, social media event page or even within the description on the event organisation tool of their choice (Best Coast pairings, Longshanks etc)


This pack is ideally coupled with the Karma Tabletop Players Social Contract, a universal guideline for allowing a better standard of play at competitive events and design to help players take more ownership of their own and their opponents  game quality.


Warhammer: The Old World is the property of Games Workshop and this pack is not sanctioned by Games Workshop or any of the Games Workshop staff. 

Army Choice

Players should select an army from one of the following races listed below.


Ravening Hordes

Orc & Goblin Tribes

Warriors of Chaos

Beastman Brayherds

Tomb Kings of Khemri


Forces of Fantasy

Kingdom of Bretonnia

Empire of Man
Dwarfen Mountain Holds

High Elf Realms

Wood Elf Realms


Legends (if allowed on the event specific information)


Dark Elves

Vampire Counts

Ogre Kingdoms


Daemons of Chaos

Chaos Dwarves


Please see the event info page for the points limit of your army list. Details for choosing your army can
be found in the Warhammer Armies section of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook (page 276).


Number of Units

As described on page 278 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook, the number of some of the available units is restricted. In Matched Play events, there is an additional limit of 0-3 applied to any units that are not otherwise restricted by the army composition list you are using.


For example, if you are fielding an Empire of Man army using the Grand Army composition list, you can only include 0-1 unit of Veteran State Troops per 1,000 points, but you can field as many units of Free Company Militia as you wish. When writing your muster list for a Matched Play event, you can only include 0-3 units of Free Company Militia. The limit on Veteran State Troops remains unaffected.


Note however that any units taken as Detachments are not counted towards this limit.


When mustering your force please use the most up to date rules found in the Ravening Hordes and Forces of Fantasy publications, and any Arcane Journals, FAQs, errata, and beta rules found via You can use either the Grand Army composition list for your chosen faction or you can use an Army of Infamy list from your faction’s Arcane Journal.


Mercenaries can be used, and named characters from the Arcane Journals are allowed. Allied Contingents are not used at this event.


Muster lists should be presented in an easy to read format, including which model is your General, all relevant weapon selections and unit upgrades, including any magic items etc that should be selected prior to a game with limited extraneous information.


Please ensure you have the points values of all your models and upgrades included.


Your TO will inform you on how they wish the list to be submitted and when this needs to be done by.


Modelling and Painting

It is up to the TO wether the event will allow unpainted models or if it is a painted models only event.


In the case of a painting requirement the minimum requirement would be for the army to be painted to a battle ready standard




Please see the event specific information for table size and scenarios that are to be played at your event.




At the end of each game please input your differential scores via the means indicated by the TO (This could be Best Coast pairings, Longshanks etc). These will then be used to calculate the Best General standings.


To calculate your differential first calculate each players victory points.


Victory Points are awarded for the following:

  • Dead or Fled

  • The King is Dead

  • Trophies of War

  • Scenario Objectives

  • Special Features


Full details on how VP are calculated and the number of points available for each one are detailed on page 286 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.


Once you have calculated each players total VP please reference this chart to find your differential scores. This score is what should be submitted to the TO via the means they have indicated (Score slip, App etc)


VP Difference     Differential Score

0-149                   10-10

150-299               11-9

300-449             12-8

450-599             13-7

600-749             14-6

750-899             15-5

900-1049          16-4

1050-1199           17-3

1200-1349          18-2

1350-1499          19-1

1500+                  20-0


Your opponent for your first game will be randomly determined.


Subsequent rounds will be organised using a swiss system where you will be paired randomly with another player on the same record.


In the rare event that you find yourself facing off against a player you have faced previously please inform your TO.


Table Layouts and Terrain


Terrain will be set out on tables prior to Game 1.


Before each game please follow the rules for objective and terrain placement for the Pitched Battle you are playing. If you have any issues with terrain placement please ask a TO for assistance.


The rules for each terrain piece can be found in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. If the terrain is based then that base is used to define if a model is wholly on terrain.

For the purpose of defining the rules for woods, all woods on our tables will be considered difficult terrain.

Get in Touch

If you feel like this pack is missing something please let us know, as we're constantly looking to raise the standard of our universal event packs and any input is welcome.


Please note that if your question is about a specific event, this should be sent directly to them and not us. They will have included their contact details on the event specific information that would have directed you to this pack.

Thanks for submitting!

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