Karma Tabletop AoS Pack

Saturday 23rd March 2023
Points per army: 2000pts
List submission: 10am 18th March
Rules Deadline: 15th March
Game 1 - Fountains of Frost
Game 2 - Power Flux
Game 3 - The Frigid Zephyr
Welcome to the Karma Tabletop Age of Sigmar 1 day event pack.
This pack is for use at Karma Tabletop managed events, and Karma Tabletop gives permission for this pack to be used at other events as long as no sections are omitted.
This pack is a living document and is subject to change at any time. A change log will included in the future.
General Information
Dark Fire Cafe
Unit 8 The Gavel Centre
Porters Wood
St Albans
Coming by Car:
St Albans is situated next to the M1 and M25 and the cafe itself is on the northern edge of St Albans, allowing you to skip the heavy traffic found in the city centre.
During evenings and weekends there are plenty of car parking spaces in the area as the surrounding industrial estate is empty. Dark Fire Cafe does not take any responsibility for vehicles parked by users of the venue.
Coming by Train:
The closest train station is St Albans City, which is a short Uber/Taxi away, or about a 45 minute walk.
Food & Drink
Dark Fire Cafe provides a selection of hot and cold food available each day. A pre-order email usually goes out the weekend before an event so participants can ensure they get the meal they want.
Food & Drink purchased from outside the venue are not allowed to be consumed on site, with the exception of a water bottle that can refilled at the cafe counter.
​Event Schedule
08:30 - Cafe open for player arrival
09:00 - Game 1
12:00 - Lunch and Best Painted Army Contest
13:00 - Game 2
16:00 - Break
16:30 - Game 3
19:45 - Results and Awards
Please note the cafe will open for events before opening to the public. A side door will be opened for this so please keep an eye out for the staff member letting players in.
Mustering your Army
To create your list, I would recommend using either the Warscroll builder on Warhammer Community site or the WH + App, HOWEVER it is up to you to ensure this accurately reflects latest points and rules. These will be checked prior to the event.
You must use the same army rosters for each game, and all choices available to you must be noted down on
your army rosters. Your rosters must include all required information round your army, including but not limited to, who your general is, Allegiance Abilities, Enhancements, Command Trait and spells etc.
Any ability that you can choose prior to the game must be decided on before the event and recorded on your army roster. This includes things like Mark of Chaos for Slaves to Darkness Chaos Warriors. These choices are
set for the tournament and as they are part of your army roster, cannot be changed during the event.
Chosen Triumph (if under 2000 points) must also be stated on you list and if not included, one cannot be used even if you under point your opponent.
All text must be clear and legible for us and your opponents to check.
These can be submitted via the Best Coast Pairings app when registering . A BCP link and list upload deadline will be available at the top of this page.
Doubles event only:
For a doubles event each player brings 1000pts to pair with their partner to make a total of 2000pts. Each pair must use armies with different battle tomes.
What you will need to bring
Your army and a suitable tray or box to move your army around between games, your dice, a tape measure, all relevant battletomes (hard copy or electronic version) and any additional rules/warscrolls not available in either ie forgeworld units. any models forgotten on the day unfortunately will need to be played without unless a suitable "proxy" is available, this will be at TO discretion.
Lists will also be made available prior to the day, once all lists have been submitted and checked, via Best coast pairings app. Pairings for round 1 will be drawn at least 24 hours before the event (usually on the Thursday before).
During each game a player will score an additional VP for the following conditions:
1 VP: Turning up to their game on time
1 VP: List submitted and correct on time
1 VP: Army painted to battle ready standard
After your game, you can report your Game Result, for each player on the Best Coast Pairings page for the event. You can also report to the TO directly if you have an issue with reporting on the BCP.
The BCP ​website will record the following:
Victory points scored
Grand Strategy Achieved
Battle Plans achieved
The following values will be used in a specific order to determine pairings and placings throughout the event:
1. Number of Wins
2. Major Victories
3. Battle Tactics
4. Grand Startergies
5. Battle Points
Both players are responsible for ensuring that the submitted results for their game are accurate. Once the pairings for the following round or the final tournament results have been generated results will not be changed for any reason other than foul play.