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Karma Tabletop
Universal Age of Sigmar Doubles pack

Mustering your Army 


Each player will have their own separate 1,000 point army following the rules from the Matched Play Pitched Battle chart. These armies must be selected following the usual Matched Play rules for picking your army. These two armies then combine in your games to create a Team army. 


When building your army, use all the most up to date Warhammer Age of Sigmar Rules found in the Pitched Battle Publications list found in the Generals Handbook. Tome Celestial Battletome updates found in White Dwarf can also be used. 

Each player’s 1,000 point army is entirely their own and must be fully contained within their own army roster, with some exceptions: 


  • Each player’s army must be from a different Faction, so you cannot take a doubles army consisting of two Stormcast forces for example.

  • Any Unique units can only be included once per Team.

  • Each player can select one manifestation lore, so each doubles pair with have two in total. However you cannot cast from the lore of your partner.

  • You cannot duplicate Universal Enhancements in a Team - the rare book store only has so many Arcane Tomes!

  • Each 1000pt list may take an honour guard.

  • You may not duplicate Warscrolls across a Team. For example Player A is using Stormcast Eternals army and Player B is using a Cities of Sigmar army. Player A wants to use Vindictors in their army so Player B may not use Vindictors as allies within their army. 

  • No monsters or reinforced units over 300pts, with the exception of Sons of Behmat who may take 1 mega gargant.

  • A war scroll may only be used twice within each 1000pt list (and not duplicated across both lists as mentioned above)

Playing a doubles match works as follows.


  • Player’s armies do not need to be able to ally with each other, but different allegiances within a player’s army must be able to ally following the normal rules.

  • When playing your games, rules that relate to an army or player will relate to your Team. For example if one player’s models gain control of an objective, the team gains control of it, and anything that is once per player is once per team.

  • Faction tactics are bound to the faction attempting them, so only destruction units can count towards a destruction tactic.

  • Your Team generates a Command Point at the start of each of your hero phases as normal, not
    one per player. If your combined force is under 1950 points then you will gain the bonus CP to this pool.

  • Any extra command points generated by abilities can be shared by the team.

  • You will select ONE Battle Tactic that your doubles army aims to complete each turn.

  • You may select Battletome Battle Tactics, but these can only be completed by models from that army. 

  • ​​Effects that target friendly units only target units within that players faction, and not your partners faction.

What you will need to bring 


Your army and a suitable tray or box to move your army around between games, your dice, a tape measure, all relevant battletomes (hard copy or electronic version) and any additional rules/warscrolls not available in either ie forgeworld units. any models forgotten on the day unfortunately will need to be played without unless a suitable "proxy" is available, this will be at TO discretion. 


Lists will also be made available prior to the day, once all lists have been submitted and checked, via Best coast pairings app. Pairings for round 1 will be drawn at least 24 hours before the event (usually on the Thursday before). 



During each game a player will score an additional VP for the following conditions:


1 VP: Turning up to their game on time

1 VP: List submitted and correct on time


After your game, you can report your Game Result,  for each player on the Best Coast Pairings page for the event. You can also report to the TO directly if you have an issue with reporting on the BCP.


The BCP ​website will record the following:

Victory points scored

Grand Strategy Achieved

Battle Plans achieved


The following values will be used in a specific order to determine pairings and placings throughout the event:

1. Number of Wins

2. Major Victories

3. Battle Tactics

4. Grand Startergies

5. Battle Points 


Both teams are responsible for ensuring that the submitted results for their game are accurate. Once the pairings for the following round or the final tournament results have been generated results will not be changed for any reason other than foul play.


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