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40k 10 edition FAQ for Karma Events

This pack is in place to help deal with some early issues at the onset of 10th edition. It in no way overwrites an official GW FAQ and will be removed once appropriate clarifications are in place.

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Many abilities allow me to play a stratagem for a second time that turn. Can I use it to play the overwatch stratagem for a second time?


No. The overwatch stratagem specifically states it can only be played once per turn, so the only way it can be played twice is if the unit ability specifcally states the overwatch stratagem in its text.


The core rules imply I can deep strike turn 1 as only strategic reserves are limited to turn 2 onwards. Does that mean my deep strike units can enter the game at the turn 1 reinforcement step?


No. The 'Leviathan' rules in the mission deck state that all reserves cannot come in turn 1 and must be on the board by the end of turn 3. Please see the rules sheet for a more detailed clarification.


Can mortal wounds be allocated to different models in a unit, as they are allocating damage not an attack?


No. Mortals wounds should always be assigned to a wounded model in that unit if there is one. Once that model is destroyed you then move onto another model and allocate attacks until that model is also destroyed.


If overwatching a unit once it has finished a charge, am I limited to pistols?


Your unit resolves its shooting as if it's the shooting phase so if the enemy unit is now in engagement range you would only be able to fire weapons that ran do so whilst engaged.

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